Ifannounces x-a5 camera without mirrors

Ifannounced a X-A5 camera that is a new model below the average of a series of cameras X without mirrors. The camera contains a 24.2-megapixel aps-c image sensor with the Bayer color filter, automatic light tuning, automatic Bluetooth image transfer and 4k video recording accuracy. It comes with a scalable, 180-degree tilt-screen, with a microphone jack that makes it a good choice for YouTube content makers and other video bloggers.
Users of the currently available Ifcameras may probably care about the lens that will come with a x-a5 camera, and they come with a xc15-45mm f/3.5 OIS lens PZ which is the first powerzoom-drive lens in the iflineup, making it the best camera option, small sized and lightweight ( 136 g) so far. The camera will provide a 15-millimeter focal length in the widest range, this lens can be an inexpensive alternative for ifwide-angle cameras.
The X-A5 camera will be shipped with the new lens on Feb. 8 at a price of $599.99, and the new lens can be separately priced at $299.95 and will be available in the same month in black or silver; the X-A5 camera will be available in brown, pink and black.
