Rumors: Samsung's next camera is shooting at 4k with a rate of 120 frames per second

New rumors have emerged that Samsung is testing a new aps-c leading camera with its new ex8910, the source explained that the sensor within the camera would be accurately 30.1 megapixel with a isocell, Tetracell system and dual focal length sensor.
The new sensor will accurately shoot 6at a rate of 30 frames per second, with a precision of 4k at 120 frames per second and up to 1080p resolution at 480 frames per second:

Full sensor accurately 6720 × 0th at 30 frames per second
37× 3024 resolution at 60 frames per second
3840 x 2160 at 120 frames per second
The resolution of 2688 X 1512 at 240 frames per second
1920 × 1080 resolution at 480 frames per second
It is rumored that the maximum sensor capability will be precisely 4k at 120 frames per second, with a precision of 2.7 K and 1080p at a higher frame rate; what it means that the new Samsung camera can shoot at a rate of 480 frames per second with the full 30.1 megapixel sensor.
